Friday, May 29, 2009


In email to me, Jeanne, Licurse says:

I just opened the newsletter from Saraswati's and read the devastating news about Melanie. Although I did not know her I am heartbroken to hear of this tragedy.

I saw the blog you started and I wanted to contact you to offer my love, prayers and homeopathic support.

The homeopathic remedy Ignatia is extraordinarily helpful for such shock and grief. The stores carry 30c potency but I have higher potencies because of my license. I have other remedies for her injured husband (burn remedies).

I am working at the studio (Saraswati) tomorrow from 8:30-1. I will bring these remedies with me for whoever may benefit from them. If you require some please stop by to see me or I can bring it to you.

... and ...
If you are in shock and crying take the Ignatia, if you are in a type of "startled" shock state take Arnica. ... repeat it until you start to feel a bit steadier. 2 or 3 pellets under your tongue until it dissolves, repeat every hour if necessary.

Ple ase let me know how I can help.

From: Jeanne Licurse <> 

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